Universiti Malaysia Kelantan has been trusted by the Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT) to implement a capacity building program that is in line with the three main strategic thrusts outlined by the KPT, namely:

  1. strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is synergistic and holistic
  2. empowering an impactful entrepreneurial network
  3. strengthening entrepreneurial activities based on technology and innovation.

A grant amounting to RM550,000.00 has been received by Universiti Malaysia Kelantan through the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International) to implement the University Leaders Entrepreneurial Educators' Bootcamp (UniLEEB) program. UniLEEB is a specific and comprehensive series of modules that aims to improve competency in entrepreneurship for teachers, entrepreneurship mentors and administrators in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) throughout Malaysia.

A total of three cohorts involving 91 participants consisted of Deans, Directors, Deputy Directors of Public and Private University Entrepreneurship Centers and Administrators  Grade 48 and above have successfully completed the training module that has started since November 2019.

The objective of UniLEEB is to give basic emphasis to the concept of mind which is necessary in building business expertise and to understand holistically the aspiration of the ministry, which is the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mind.

The three modules developed by the UMK team are:

Module 1: Developing Entrepreneurial Mindset (E-Mind) focuses on developing a holistic entrepreneurial mindset.

Module 2: Change Leadership (E-Lead) focuses on building the character of entrepreneurial leaders as leaders of change in institutions.

Module 3: Business Innovation (I – Bus) focuses on the development of leaders who will lead entrepreneurial activities based on innovation, especially in universities.


1. UniLEEB Kohot 3 (Siri 2) 

2. UniLEEB Kohot 3 (Siri 3) 

3. Business Acumen in Higher Eduation Leaders 

4. Majlis Apresiasi UniLEEB

5. News Article on The Business Acumen in Higher Education Leaders program